Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reading response to Speak

Melinda got raped by Andy Evans,  and shes been keeping it to herself she didnt even tell her parents she just kepted it to herself. Everybody hates her in the school because she called the cops on the party that she was at where she had gotten raped at. Now she is hated bu everyone and she is carrying a big secret around with her. That nobody knows about exept for her will she finnaly tell everyone about her big secret? And regain her friends back?
Melisa is having a hard time with her life right now and shes trying to keep this huge secret to herself and its not helping that noone knows about it. All of her friends at school hate her and she is having a hard time trying to get them back. Her friends hate her because she had called the cops on the party she was at. She called the cops because she got raped and she needed help because she was scared. She thought that the cops helped her but they didnt.
Melisa and her art teacher make a really strong bond throughout thw book because she has artistic skills and she doesnt do well in any other subject there were moments when shes is really good in art and others when shes really bad but its ok the art teacher always gives A's to all of his students.
Melida and the Martha's are very diffrent in this story. The marthas like to stay organized and have everything planned ahead unlike Melinda is very disorganized and waits for everything at the last minute.Melinda is an outcast and likes to be by herself most of the time and made one friend. But then lost her to the Marthas. The marthas like to tell people her problems but Melinda likes to keep things by herself. Which is why Melida lost her only friend to the Marthas. which also proves my thesis statement that you shouldnt keep things to yourself.
To conclude that Melinda needs to be more open with things like the Marthas are. If martha would have told someone she would have yold someone then everybody wouldnt think that she was such an outcast in the school. And maybe she wpuld have made more friends and people could have pitty her and she wouldnt feel so alone

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